The High Priests of the Church of Chrispians

These are a few of the lovely people who have supported me as a streamer, so the least I can do is give them a shoutout here. Please go check them out by clicking on their pictures!(Want to hear about me for some reason? Go over here.)


I'm extremely lucky to have met Cobalt. He's so generous and compassionate, and I'm so glad I can call him a friend. You'll instantly feel part of his community, and without realising it, you'll fall in love with him. (And not just because of those chiselled good looks.) That's a win-win-win-win situation in my eyes 👀


I don't think there's enough space here to tell you everything, so I'll keep it brief. Wulgra is another friend from Germany, who has fast become one of my favourite people. Without him, I'd struggle a lot more with this whole streaming thing. He has great vibes, very calming, and he absolutely deserves your support.


As someone who only studied German for two years as a teenager, it's fair to say that mein Deutsch is nicht so gut. What I DO know is that Elinorah is a truly phenomenal, entertaining streamer with a beautiful soul, so please go and drop a follow, because I promise you won't regret it.


Jules is so welcoming and kind, always ready for a dance party. Or perhaps you just want to manifest some good vibes. The Sims 4 is one of her absolute favourites, and she genuinely creates some awesome builds. You can find yourself talking to her about pretty much anything, and loving every second of it 😄


Tegs would use the word "feral" to describe herself. To be clear, I prefer the description "quite chaotic, but in an endearing way." Anyway, Tegs goes live most nights, and plays a variety of games, from Valorant to Minecraft to and beyond. There will be chaos, confusion and nonsense, but it will be a whole lot of fun.


If you like me, you'll love Emma (because we're basically the same person). Emma is one of the funniest people I've come across on Twitch, who manages to make me laugh wherever she is. I've seen her go from saying she'd never stream to looking like a pro! She's truly awesome, and worthy of your support.


People have tried to tell me that it's not possible to have good looks, great coffee, excellent music, endless memes and pure love in one. Well, those people are dummies, because Passi, another of my German friends, is the real deal. Plus, he has a DRONE, and that's cool. Drones are cool.


Lee is a DID system, a self-described "pocketful of bees." With them, you will find love, acceptance, positivity and support, whatever is going on. You never quite know what you might expect - a co-working stream, reading, crafting... But one thing is certain - wait until you meet Fennel the American Bird™️.


Oh Storm. The beautiful, lovely Storm. He is one funny boi, a delight to see in chat, and he's back from a streaming break (hallelujah). You can expect a voice that calms the mind and soothes the soul. You can expect a 420/69 sense of humour. You can expect me being thirsty on main. Come on, get in here.


When I was at school, art was one of worst subjects 😂 However, the good news that I know a real artist. When she's not going live with art - which you should check out too by the way - Kitty's showing us how it's done in Overwatch. She is truly the best Kitty, with such a big heart and endless kindness.


Dragon is pure chaos, and yet at the same time, she is absolute love. You'll often find her shiny hunting in Pokémon or deep in another Nintendo game, RPGs or puzzle games. Or perhaps she's bending another piece of tech to her will from deep in her lair in the mountains... but I wouldn't worry about that.


Well, well, well, if it isn't BBMomma herself, the true Halo Champ, Hannah. She is a true legend, and she's taking absolutely none of your shit. Hannah is so very sweet, and - despite her failure to correctly care for dinosaurs that may or may not have shared a name with myself - has one of the biggest hearts around.


This guy? What a legend. I'd be lying if I said I don't love to stop by his stream to gift some subs and watch him turn red. But he's another of my friends from Germany, a great WoW player who speaks really good English too. He is a lovely soul, and really deserves the support. Also, his HAIR... oh man. You gotta see it.


Come on now. Take a seat here on the couch. Now, isn't that better? Much more relaxing, right? Well, good news, because vermouthchan has mastered the couch stream. She is the SWEETEST, with such a calming voice - the German "Super-Nurse" and guinea pig mum, with the most beautiful "rote Haare."


SchnifL has more memes than a yard full of chickens and jokes so close to the line that we're not even sure atoms fit in the gap there. He's on a little break, but usually streams a variety of games. Perhaps you'd like to watch him bully encourage some Animal Crossing villagers to leave his island...


I don't quite remember how I ended up in his stream, but I remember discovering that he had an Ainsley Harriott emote, and deciding that I had to stick around. Two years later, I still love the emote, Gene's stream and I've spent many a fun evening there! Whatever he's up to, it will be magnificent.


The name is a giveaway, but this guy is so very positive, and his streams are all about supporting each other, having fun and looking after yourself. Plus there's OnlyHans™, and if you have to ask, then you HAVE to see it for yourself. Beautiful. Also, check out his Twitter - such a positive light amongst the crazy hellscape!


MunchtheBadger is INCREDIBLY friendly, gracious and warm. You might find him playing a horror game, but trust me, he is as far from a horror show as you can get. He has a good heart, is so very welcoming, and is also really open about his experiences with mental health. As he would say: Munch love and stay awesome.


Here in the Church of Chrispians, we have more sweetness than a sugar plantation, and Chai proves that. She honestly just makes my heart so happy - it is impossible not to love her and her streams. And her TikToks are absolutely LEGENDARY too. Get over there! #ChaiForSupremeLeader


You want to feel safe and secure? Then do I have the man for you! By day, it's information he protects and by night, it's you and I he guards, with those strong arms and piercing eyes... no-one would dare come between u- Oops. Sorry. This isn't the DMs. Never mind. Anyway, drop that sexy boi a follow.


Have you ever had that moment where you're feeling hungry, but you don't know what you want? Well, I have the solution to your problems, the ULTIMATE SNACC DADDY HIMSELF! Kyle streams racing mainly, and has often been on the receiving end of my terrible attempts at writing "poetry"... so he really deserves your support.


Daniel is the guy formerly known as PiplupHD and MrEmpoleonWhisperer (among other things), who has still had less name changes than the UK has had prime ministers in 2022. He is a "self proclaimed" noob (this is a lie) who loves Pokémon and shiny hunting, and you can expect to see chill vibes here.


Smurf plays through story based games without rushing or skipping the content, she once called me a "very good boi," and she has an awesome, beautiful dog called Ellie the Tripawd. I IMPLORE you - PLEASE - drop her a follow and pay her a visit, because her streams will make you smile no matter what.


When I went to university, I hoped that I'd meet some people along the way that made me feel supported and appreciated. One of those people was the awesome Nav. I found him quite by accident again when I started streaming, and I can confirm that he is pretty damn good at that too. Check him out!


The eternally beautiful Haiimax. Words simply fail me, but know this: it is IMPOSSIBLE not to smile during his streams. Without him, I would never have started streaming, or podcasting, or... any of this stuff probably. I owe him so much.


Scio is great, and not just cause we share a name. This guy is talented. If you want someone with the suburban dad vibes, positive energy, a love for the colour blue, and an all round chill atmosphere, then he is your man. He's back and better than ever! 💙


It's the man with the biggest toolbox I've ever seen - that's right, it's SpannersWatson himself. Truly, he is an awesome dude and a great friend. You'll love it there. Just remember not to zone out when he goes hunting... because it's a loud gunshot.


Getting involved with Twitch has meant I've been able to meet people all over the world. One of those beautiful people is the wonderful SGTheo. He's mainly an F1 streamer but occasionally hops into variety content. Theo might be far away but our boi from Singapore is always in our hearts.

These people are awesome, and this isn't even everyone! Come join in the fun!

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